(Summary description)
General Situation of implementation of National Standard "Feed Additive Blender — Guidelines for Sweetener" (Description for Standard Formulation)
Bao Qingbin, Zhao Huaxiu, Dai Yong, Zeng Fankun
Dadhank (Chengdu) Biotech Corp., 611130
In order to standardize the relevant requirements of feed sweetener products, ensure the safety of feed sweetener products, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of this industry. The program was initiated by the Standardization Administration of the P.R.C.—Guo Biao Wei Zong He [2011] No. 82 (December 30th, 2011), and the National Feed Industry Standards Technical Committee—Quan Si Biao [2012] No. 11 (July 18th, 2012) issued the task to formulate the national standard of feed sweetener, which nature was "Recommendation", the program number was 20111586-T-469, and the program start and end time was 2012-2013. The company undertaking this program was DadHank (Chengdu) Biotech Corp. (Hereinafter referred to as DDC) China Feed Industry Association also participated in the drafting of the standard, and relevant domestic enterprises and experts gave strong support.
Experts reviewed the draft of the national standard "Feed Additive Blender—Guidelines for Sweetener" (hereinafter referred to as "Sweetener Standard") scientifically and strictly on November 29, 2013, at the "Seventh National Feed Standards Review Conference" held in Beijing, agreed to submit it to the Standardization Administration of the P.R.C. for approval, and made a high evaluation of its progressiveness technology as "Internationally advanced".
To this end, the national standard formulation program of feed sweetener required by Standardization Administration of the P.R.C. and undertaken by DDC was completely completed in accordance with the program assignment and schedule requirements. The following is a brief description of some technical problems in the program implementation process and Standard formulation.
1 Drafting and formulation process of Sweetener Standard
(1) According to the requirements of the program, the undertaker—DDC set up a Sweetener Standard drafting working team on July 20th, 2012 (the main members including Bao Qingbin, Zhao Huaxiu, Dai Yong, Zeng Fankun, Yu Lin and Lyu Jirong of DDC, Wang Liwen and Ding Jian of China Feed Industry Association, Yu hang of California Institute of Technology, and Lei Yan of Dankook University of South Korea), and made an implementation plan.
(2) At first, the drafting working team investigated extensively, consulted the relevant management regulations, standards of China, the United States, the European Union, Japan, South Korea and other countries, collected 92 relevant research documents, and investigated the production, use and market situation of feed sweeteners at home and abroad. On this basis, the working team determined the basic framework of the general standard, including the standard name, scope of application, terms and definitions, general requirements, inspection methods, and inspection rules, forming the basic framework of the draft standard.
(3) The drafting working team prepared the draft standard based on a large amount of data verification. After repeated discussion and revision, the preliminary draft was formed.
(4) On April 19, 2013, relevant domestic enterprises and experts were invited to hold a standard seminar in Chengdu. On the basis of further adopting relevant recommendations from seminar, a draft Standard for comment was formed in June 2013.
(5) In July 2013, we seeked(sought) suggestions from relevant domestic experts and manufacturers, summarized and discussed the "Feedback form for suggestions" in detail, and further revised the Sweetener Standard to form the Sweetener Standard previewing draft.
(6) On November 15, 2013, some domestic enterprises and experts were invited to hold a previewing meeting for Sweetener Standard in Beijing to further discuss the Sweetener Standard. On the basis of adopting the relevant recommendations of the previewing meeting, the draft standard for examination was formed.
(7) On November 29, 2013, the draft standard for examination of “Feed Additive Blender—Guidelines for Sweetener” was submitted to the "Seventh National Feed Standards Review Conference" for expert to review.
(8) In December 2013, national standard of “Feed Additive Blender—Guidelines for Sweetener” was revised according to the experts’ opinions to form a draft for approval, which was submitted to the Standardization Administration of the P.R.C. for approval.
4 Relevant standards and use of sweeteners in foods
4.1 Relevant standards of feed sweeteners at home and abroad
At present, the relevant domestic standards for feed sweeteners include "GB/T 21543-2008 General Requirements for Feed Additives and Flavors". This standard is a general requirement for feed sweeteners, which is difficult to be fully applicable to feed sweeteners.
The FDA of the United States has determined the application of various sweeteners in animals and foods(food), and the EU, Japan, South Korea and other countries have determined the types and amount of sweeteners allowed to be added. There are no specific standards for feed sweeteners in the United States and the EU.
4.2 Use and standards of sweeteners in food additives
Sweeteners are widely used in food. The use of sweeteners in China's food industry is in accordance with “National Food Safety Standard for Hygienic Standards for Uses of Food Additives” (GB2760). In GB2760-2011, there are 19 kinds of food additives used as a function of sweeteners (7 kinds of synthetic sweeteners and 12 kinds of natural sweeteners). During production or use, one or several sweeteners can be added, at the same time or used in combination. In food industry, other relevant standards include: “National Food Safety Standard—General Principles of Perfumes for Food” and “National Food Safety Standard—Perfume compounds for Food”, etc., which have been publicized and are under approval.
The United States, the EU, Japan and other countries all allow a variety of sweeteners to be used in food, and the FDA of the United States allows more than 10 sweeteners to be used in food. Related standards published by CAC include "GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF FLAVOURINGS CAC/GL 66-2008".
5. Basis for determining various technical contents and requirements
5.2 Scope of standard
According to the characteristics of feed sweetener products, the standard scope is determined as follows: Stipulating sweetener and related terms and definitions, requirements, inspection methods, inspection rules, labels, packaging, transportation and storage.
5.3 Terms(Terminology)and definitions
In order to standardize the relevant terms of feed sweetener products, the relevant terms and definitions of feed sweetener are determined according to the actual situation of the production and processing of feed sweetener with the compound technology (that is, on the basis of the main sweetener raw materials, adding certain flavoring substances to improve the quality of the sweetener) and referring to the relevant standards.
Definition of "Sweetening substance": Referring to the definition of "Sweetener" for food in “Hygienic Standards for Uses of Food Additives” (GB 2760) and the definition of "Flavoring for food" in the “National Food Safety Standard—General Principles Spices for Food”.
Definition of "Natural sweetening substance": Referring to the definition of "Natural Spices for Food" in the “National Food Safety Standard—General Principles Spices for Food” (Draft standard for examination) and “Guide to Use of Flavoring Agents” (CAC/GL 66-2008) of CAC standards.
Definition of "Artificial sweetening substance": Referring to the definition of "Synthetic Spices for Food" in the “National Food Safety Standard—General Principles Spices for Food” (Draft standard for examination) and “Guide to Use of Flavoring Agents” (CAC/GL 66-2008) of CAC standards.
Definition of "sweetener": Referring to the definition of Sweetener in “Feed additives—Flavorings—General Principles” (GB/T21543-2008), and adjust it according to the actual production situation and the definition of feed additives blender.
Definition of "Flavor enhancer for sweetener": Referring to the definition of flavor enhancer for food in “Hygienic Standards for Uses of Food Additives” (GB 2760).
Definition of "Enhancer for sweetener": Referring to the definition of "Flavoring excipients (non flavoring food ingredients)" in the “Guide to Use of Flavoring Agents” (CAC/GL 66-2008) of CAC standards.
5.4 Requirement
In Sweetener Standard, targeting to the production and operation status and product characteristics of sweetener, according to the requirements of the “Food Safety Protection Law” “Food Safety Law” and the relevant regulations on feed additives on product quality and safety, and referring to the relevant regulations and standards, the requirements for the use of sweeteners, the varieties of raw materials and sweetening adjuncts (including sweetening substance, synergists and adjuncts), quality requirements, sensory indexes, physical and chemical indexes, hygienic indexes and other requirements are proposed.
5.4.3 Physical and chemical indexes
According to the actual production situation of sweeteners in China, sweeteners are divided into solid and liquid forms, and the physical and chemical indexes requirements for solid and liquid forms are specified respectively; the physical and chemical indexes of solid form are the main sweetening substances and water, and the physical and chemical indexes of liquid form are the main sweet substances.
5.4.4 Hygienic indexes
The determination of hygienic indexes is mainly based on “Feed additive—Flavoring—General principles” (GB/T 21543-2008), “Hygienical Standard for Feeds” (GB 13078-2001), and the product characteristics of sweeteners and the actual inspection results of products manufactured by relevant enterprises. In addition (At the same time), relevant products on the market are collected and verified.
6 Soliciting and Adopting Opinions
In the process of drafting and forming the draft of this Sweetener Standard, a symposium attended by industry experts, production enterprises and other relevant personnels was held on(in) April 19, 2013 to discuss the preliminary draft. According to the relevant suggestions from the symposium, the preliminary draft was revised to form the draft for comment. In June 2013, industry experts and manufacturers were consulted on the draft standard. Relevant experts from China Agricultural University, Sichuan Agricultural University, South China Agricultural University, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and National Feed Quality Inspection and Testing Center who participated in the symposium and gave written feedback and suggestions, as well as Lucta (Guangzhou) Flavors Co., Ltd., Shanghai Menon Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Sukas Feed Additive Technology Co., Ltd., Chongqing Mintai Flavor Chemical Co., Ltd., Xinjie (Beijing) Feed Flavor Co., Ltd., Zhongshan Weishi Flavor Co., Ltd., Shanghai Pifuai Feed Technology Co., Ltd. and other domestic manufacturers also proposed some written suggestions. The opinions and suggestions of various experts and enterprises were discussed one by one, and on this basis, the Sweetener Standard was further revised. There was no major difference of opinion in the previous solicitations.
1 Standardization Administration of the P.R.C. Fund Project
Introduction of contributors (main member in working team): Bao Qingbin (1962-), male, professor, chief expert of the programe, deputy general manager of DDC, mainly engaged in food science and engineering research; Zhao Huaxiu (1966-), male, engineer, deputy manager of DDC technology department, he has been engaged in research and development of feed sweeteners for 15 years; Dai Yong (1976-), male, engineer, manager of DDC detecting center, he has been engaged in the testing and analysis of feed flavoring agent for 12 years; Zeng Fankun (1960-), male, associate professor, distinguished expert of DDC, he has been engaged in the research of feed flavoring application for 20 years.
Add: DadHank (Chengdu) Biotech Corp. No.123 Rongtai Avenue, National Cross-Strait Technology Industry Development Park, Chengdu, China, P.C:611130
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